
STATUTES OF THE CRIVA ASSOCIATION, Cercle de Recherche International Voix Analyse

CRIVA (Cercle de Recherche International Voix-Analyse) was founded by Claire Gillie. Its mission is to share on a national and international level epistemic and clinical research works regarding voice and psychoanalysis.

CRIVA aims at bringing together psychoanalysts and voice specialists from other fields in order to exchange around the « object voice » and the invocatory drive and to question somatic manifestations which indicate failure in the body/voice/language nodality.

The central focus is on taking into account clinical forms of subjectivity in their diversity : in fact, vocal symptoms and pathologies are liable to reveal the unconscious signification and the drive function.

The goal of weaving together all those dimensions is to rethink the clinic of vocal pathologies as well as the psychonalytical anthroprology of the vocal body ; where the call of the subject of the unconscious registers, together with the cultural and artistic figures it engenders.

The purpose of the Association is to create a synergy between « local » fields and practices of the voice, with psychoanalysis coming in as a means to make a psychopathological approach possible but also as a way of understanding this fundamental and complex anthropologic reality which is the voice.


Article 1 : Constitution

It is created between the signatories of these statutes designated as founding members, an association governed by the law of July 1, 1901, and the decree of August 16, 1901, whose statutes were adopted by decision taken in assembly dated 03/21 /2019.

Article 2 : Denomination

The association has the name : Cercle de Recherche International Voix-Analyse and the acronym: CRIVA. 

Article 3 : Purpose

The purpose of the association is research and training in the field of voice and psychoanalysis.

Article 4: Means

The association has in particular the following means in order to achieve its object

1) The organization of conferences, training seminars, and clinical groups
2) The creation of working groups in the various countries interested in the object of the association
3) Publication and/or dissemination by any means of research carried out and/or in progress
4) The sale, permanent or occasional, of all products or services falling within the scope of its object, or likely to contribute to its achievement.

Article 5: Registered office

The registered office is located at 33 rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009, Paris, France.
It may be transferred to any place by simple decision of the Bureau.

Article 6: Duration

The association is established for an unlimited period of time from the publication of these statutes in the Official Journal. 

Article 7 : Members and Adherents

a) Membership status

1) Founding members are the persons designated in Article 1.

2) Active members are those persons who actively participate in the functioning of the association and the achievement of its purpose.
To become an active member of the association, it is necessary to be approved by the board, whose decision in this matter is discretionary.

3) Representatives abroad
These are members who are approved by the Board to represent CRIVA in their respective countries.

b) Members
Members are those who benefit from the association's services and who participate in its work. 

c) Loss of membership

Membership in the Association is lost by

1) Resignation notified by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt addressed to the President of the Association.

2) Death.

3) Exclusion pronounced by the Board for serious reasons, the person concerned having been invited beforehand to present her/his defence in accordance with the provisions of the internal regulations.

4) Automatic expulsion for non-payment of the annual membership fee, after three reminders have been sent without success and after the person concerned has been invited by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to provide explanations. 

d) Annual subscription

Members and adherents shall pay an annual subscription, the amount of which is fixed by the Bureau at intervals also fixed by the Bureau. Upon express request and justification, the Board may exempt from payment any member or external representative of CRIVA.

Article 8: Resources

The resources of the association consist of :

a) Membership fees and subscriptions.

b) Subsidies from the State, regions, departments, municipalities and their public establishments.

c) Manual donations and donations from public institutions.

d) Income from goods sold or services provided by the association, and all other resources not expressly excluded by the law or regulations. 

Article 9: Board of Directors

a) Composition

The Board of Directors is composed of at least 8 members and at most 15 members.
It shall comprise ex officio members and elected members.

The full members are the founding members. The other members are elected by the ordinary general assembly for a period of 3 years.

To be eligible, active members must have been members of the association for at least three years, be up to date with their membership fees by the deadline set for the submission of candidacies, and have sent their candidacy to the association's head office no later than one month before the date of the general meeting.

The first members of the Board of Directors were appointed by the Constitutive General Assembly of 21/03/2019; they shall exercise their functions for a period of 3 years. At the end of this period, the General Assembly appoints the members elected for a period of 3 years.

Outgoing members may be re-elected.

The functions of the administrators cease by resignation, loss of membership in the association, dismissal by the ordinary general assembly only for just cause, and dissolution of the association.

Ex officio members of the Board of Directors cannot be dismissed by the General Assembly.

b) Powers

The Board of Directors has the broadest powers to manage, direct and administer the association, subject to those reserved by the statutes for the General Assembly, and in particular

1) It shall define the policy and general orientations of the association.

2) It shall decide on the acquisition and disposal of all movable property and objects.

3) It shall lease and acquire any building necessary for the achievement of the object of the association.

4) It shall control the execution of the budget and close the accounts for the financial year.

5) It shall decide on the exclusion of members on the grounds and under the conditions of Article 7. 

e) Operation

The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year, on the initiative and at the invitation of the President, who shall draw up the agenda.

The Board of Directors may validly deliberate, regardless of the number of directors present or represented.

Decisions are taken by a majority of the members present or represented. In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have the casting vote.

Any director who is unable to attend may be represented by a special proxy.

Article 10: Bureau

a) Composition

The office of the association shall be composed of :

- A president ;

- One or more vice-president(s) ;

- A secretary general ;

- One or more deputy secretary(s);

- A treasurer ;

- A deputy treasurer.

The members of the executive committee are elected by the board of directors, and chosen from among the members of the association, with the exception of the president who is necessarily a founding member.

The functions of membership in the executive committee end with resignation, loss of the status of director and dismissal by the board of directors, which can only take place for just reasons and with respect for the rights of the defence.

Ex-officio members of the Bureau may not be dismissed by the Board of Directors.

The duties of a member of the Bureau shall end with resignation, loss of membership and dismissal by the Board of Directors, which may only take place for just cause and with due respect for the rights of the defence.

Ex-officio members of the Bureau may not be dismissed by the Board of Directors.

b) Powers

The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association and ensures that the decisions of the Board of Directors are implemented.

c) Operation

The Bureau shall meet at least once a year at the initiative and on the invitation of the President. Meetings may be convened by any means, but at least one month in advance. The agenda shall be drawn up by the President.

Article 11: President

a) Qualifications

The President shall be the President of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and the Association.

b) Powers

The President shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Association. He/she shall act in the name and on behalf of the Bureau, the Board of Directors and the Association, and in particular :

1) He/she represents the association in all acts of civil life, and has all powers to commit it. He may act directly in court to protect the interests of the association.
2) He shall convene the Bureau, the Board of Directors and the General Meetings, set their agenda and chair their meetings.
2) He is entitled to open all accounts in all financial institutions.
3) He shall execute the decisions taken by the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
4) He may delegate, in writing, his powers and his signature in the event that he is prevented from doing so; he may at any time terminate the said delegations.

Article 12: Vice-President(s)

The Vice-President(s) shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties, particularly in the event that CRIVA has branches abroad.

Article 13: Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General

The secretary general shall ensure the proper material, administrative and legal functioning of the association. He shall draw up, or have drawn up under his control, the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee, the Board of Directors and the General Meetings. He shall make, or have made under his control, declarations to the prefecture and publications in the Official Journal, in accordance with the legal or regulatory provisions.

He may be assisted in his duties by a deputy secretary general or several deputy secretary generals. 

Article 14: Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer

The Treasurer shall draw up, or have drawn up under his supervision, the annual accounts of the Association. He/she shall make the annual call for subscriptions. He/she shall draw up a financial report, which he/she shall present together with the annual accounts to the annual ordinary general meeting.

He shall pay the expenses and collect the receipts.

He may, by delegation, and under the control of the President, proceed with the payment of expenses and the collection of receipts.

He may be authorized, by delegation from the President and under his supervision, to open and operate in all credit or financial institutions, all accounts and all savings books.

He may be assisted in his duties by an deputy treasurer.

Article 15: General Meetings

a) Common provisions

1) Only members of the Association who are up to date with their membership fees, to the exclusion of members, shall have access to the General Meetings and shall participate in the votes.
2) Members shall each have one vote for each vote.
3) General meetings are convened by the President at least 8 days in advance. The notice of meeting shall contain the agenda set by the President.
4) At the beginning of each meeting, the general assembly called to deliberate shall appoint its officers, consisting of at least a chairman and a secretary.
5) The President shall chair the General Assembly, present the issues on the agenda and lead the discussions. In case of impediment, the president shall be replaced by a vice-president.
6) Any member who is unable to attend may be represented by another member holding a special power of attorney for this purpose.
7) Minutes shall be kept of the deliberations and resolutions of the General Meetings. The minutes are signed by the president and the secretary of the meeting; they are transcribed in chronological order in the register of the association's deliberations, which is marked and initialled by the president.

b) Ordinary General Meetings

1) Powers
The Ordinary General Meeting shall meet at least once a year, and whenever necessary, at the initiative of the President.
The ordinary general meeting approves the accounts for the financial year, votes on the provisional budget, and gives discharge to the directors for their management.
The ordinary general meeting shall elect and dismiss the directors.
The Ordinary General Meeting shall deliberate on all matters on the agenda which do not fall within the exclusive competence of another body of the association.

2) Quorum and majority
The Ordinary General Assembly may validly deliberate, regardless of the number of members present or represented.
Decisions are taken by a simple majority 

c) Extraordinary General Meetings

1) Powers
The Extraordinary General Meeting has the power to proceed, on the proposal of the Board of Directors, to the modification of the statutes, to the dissolution of the association and the devolution of its assets, to the merger or transformation of the association and to the creation of a subsidiary, an endowment fund or any other structure having a direct link with the association

2) Quorum and majority
The Extraordinary General Assembly may validly deliberate, regardless of the number of members present or represented. Decisions are taken by a simple majority.

Article 16: The Scientific Council

The Scientific Council is chaired by Professor P.-L. Assoun. It is composed of people known for their expertise and experience in the association's disciplinary fields. It participates in all the work of the association, in particular in the editorial policy; it identifies or encourages research in the respective fields of the members who make up the council, in relation to the work of the association. 

Article 17: The Artistic Council

The artistic council is composed of people known for their artistic qualities. It participates in the work of the association and proposes any artistic event related to the object of the association.

Article 18: Internal regulations

Internal regulations, drawn up by the president of the association and approved by the board of directors, may specify and complete, as necessary, the statutory provisions relating to the functioning of the association.
Accession to the statutes shall automatically entail accession to the internal regulations. 

Article 19: Formalities

Any changes to the Articles of Association shall be declared within three months to the Prefecture and shall be recorded in the special register provided for under the legal provisions.

Statutes approved by the general meeting specially convened for this purpose on 21/03/2019.

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